Hi! My name is Rock!
I’m a chicken kid. My BESTEST friend in the whole wide world is Rhino!I want to tell you about my family!
Hi Friends! I’m Rock. I’m a chicken kid. My BESTEST friend is Rhino. He lives next door to me. Sometimes he can be such a WHINEY RHINEY, but I love him very much. I have a pretty mommy named Carolyn and a funny daddy named Ken. I have a sister too. Her name is Candy. She is my baby sister and she is pretty like my mommy. Everyday I try really hard to do things the RIGHTWAY. By doing things the RIGHTWAY, I stay happy in my tummy and my family is happy.
YaYa is my secret “idento” friend. She writes stories about me and Rhino. They are so much fun to read and I like them a lot. I can understand them ‘cause they talk in kid talk. I love the pictures inside the books too. Candy can’t read yet and she knows what the story is about without knowing how to read words. Now that is WAY COOL! I have a halo that is above my head. It is shiny and straight. YaYa says it’s that way so all our new friends will know that I am good and doing things the RIGHTWAY. That makes me feel WONDERLIOUS in my tummy. We are all working on Rhino to get a straight halo ‘cause Rhino’s is kinda crooked. Would you like to help?
Whoops! Sorry, I gotta go right now. My mommy is calling me. See ya later, alligator. After while, crocodile. Sometimes, I just crack myself up!